Seek out the Knowledge
Success starts here
Knowledge ahead of the herd

Q. Considering a different approach to feeding your herd, but not sure what to look for…

A. Ontrak Nutrition have a wealth of knowledge and expertise ready to be delivered right to your door…

Ever wondered why…
Your cows are slow to come into the parlour?
Your cows lie down and don’t graze?

It’s not just a coincidence…
Your butterfat levels seem exceptionally high (or low)? Your cows don’t show heat?

Do not accept your current level of performance. Do not blame your forage, your system, your cows or yourself if things are not going to plan. Let us share our knowledge, show you why and maximise your herd’s potential.


Forages high in un-fermentable NDF will lead to a low level of milk production and a higher level of butterfat. These forages need to be carefully managed.

Dry forages do not ferment in the clamp, therefore unfermentable NDF levels do not reduce in the fermentation process.

We have clients that do not feed soya or rape and consistently produce in excess of 35.00 litres / cow / day.

The unique system used by Ontrak advisors can accurately demonstrate how the rumen re-acts over a 24 hour period on your farm with your ration.

The best way to buffer rumen pH is to feed protein.

When the milk protein level is below 3.15%, then fertility in the herd will be poor.

If cows calve and "come back dirty" then rumen pH was too low prior to calving.

Ensiling forage at 28-32% dry matter and not feeding it for at least 3 months will allow the rumen to make better use of the fibre and therefore produce more milk at less cost.

Highly fermentable forage requires less protein to digest them.

If cows consistently get milk fever, or hold their cleansing then rumen pH was incorrect on the close-up ration.

Feeding straw or high NDF raw materials may restrict intake, reduce milk yields, cause condition loss, and produce low milk proteins as they cause sub-clinical ketosis.

Feeding straw can often cause a rumen pH issue – particular on close-up dry cow diets.

If the base TMR diet is formulated correctly, then those producers who feed concentrate in the parlour shouldn’t be feeding more than 4.00kgs per day in the parlour feeders.